Member Servers

member server is a computer running Windows 2000 Server that's not a controller. A machine like that probably holds big databases or other files that a lot of people have to be able to get at — and get at quickly. A member server is good for that because it doesn't have to do any of the controller work and can dedicate itself to serving up files (or whatever its main role in life is). Here are a few things to note about member servers:

For the most part, whether a computer is a plain member server or a controller makes no difference to you. Breathe a sigh of relief!
Member server is really a Microsoft term. Most people just say "server" or "file server," either of which works just as well.
You can amaze your geek friends and your buddies in IS by using such terminology, and then nodding as if you understand when they launch into a dissertation on the ins and outs of configuring the server